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~living in colour~


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


hey all. haha im finally home after a week of fun!!! haha. went for church camp!! and sunway.come feel the fun. haha jkjk. i tihnk this week made me studying at all and exams are just next week or so..coming la! heh..
the day before church camp went alex house for party..met up with all the old buddies and had lot of fun..always as crazy as ever..had guitar hero party..i dunno, i dun think im good at it but im ok i think of the night was havoc as usual i dunno what alex thought of everything..all the childishness but it was barker class wont be forgotton! haha.

this year camp was different i guess.. but everyyear's still fun.! haha. this year we went with cousins and some other church frens... carissa justine jo joel and josh. but i dun think they know each other..and josh kept threatening to slug the camp away and sleep in the room cos coming to camp was a him.. then first day we reached hotel very early cos parents had to help out or smth. but there was carisa and all for then they had this fren jane who literally tagged along them the whole i din say its a bad thing..hehh
camp was at malacca equatorial hotel this year.thurs to sun..same place as last year..but the number of campers doubled...700 plus i think..and 60 pluys youths went! which is like record.haha. youth time was okok la i think previous years was bettter maybe cos this year got too many ppl so hard to manage but me made many many new frens and last night of camp was fun!!! no everynight was fun atually! hahaha. food was same as any year so i quite slogged through the meals like to just eat and not be hungry.. always in a dilemma to sit with isaac joel they all or justine and gang.. lol.

still remember how i was so nice and went to follow isaac and joshua go walk around aimlessly go look for tennis court and stuff...and the stupid lift this year take so long to come all the time..took the stairs half the time all the way from 13 floor down..sian...
this year fun night theme was bollywood!!!!!! aHAHHAHA! from second day at camp we were already rehearsing for the dance!! hehh! it was strangely fun haha the jaiho and Banjavi dance!! haha and the girls had the money dance and the money tune got stuck in my head for the rest of the week lol.
second day night i played for worship at first it was stressful cos never played for adults before and so many ppl haha. but aft awhile it was ok la.. we were quite a last min band but it went well. =P
oh yea and that reminds me..carssa brought this settlers game which they into to us on the first day and then it was so addictive we played it everynight!!! haha.
okok so dunring camp it was just meals worship sermon..benny ho..discussion with our groups and maybe some group games here and there...same old games.....ok learnt a new game..murderer hhaha it was quite fail at first..
and let me jump to the last night! fun night dinner was differnet we had a sit down dinner and shadrach was at my table creating fun the whole time haha but mostly attacking only isaac. joke.
but wont forget la funny ttm.
then then fun night...this year was failure.. allt the items were failures seriously..ok maybe only roger's indian accent was the only thing that kept me i mean kept me from not leaving the ballroom faster...and i think the best item was still the youths.hahaha. seriously. our dance was like some super bollywood musical. and we all had fun.
ohohoh and when fun night ended all the fun began! as of all church camp traditions we mus stay up and play all out on the last night! wooooooo! but before fun night even ended half the ballroom was empty! haha and my table decided to leave and do our own stuff.. but we took awhile before starting cos we dun know what to do

so got joel and joshua and that marc to go 711 buy ball and lots of cards.. but somehow they came back with rugby ball.. lol and 2 packs of cards.
then some youths went nightmarket..i nearly wanted to go but din in the end...played noob fun rugby for awhile haha but with isaac on your team theres no fear hahahahaha. but the others where ruggers so we felt nooby and i left aft awhile. went to join the younger ones and play thieir stupid games. then decided it was massive cards time! haha. wanted to start playing bridge with the know how to play ppl but then i was called on to teach the dunno how to play ppl.hehh.. suprisingly i never play for so long but could roughly teach carissa justine they all and yea with the help of danette of

then went on to card the whole night until i cant remb whos idea it was to play hide and seek in the hotel!!!! haha maybe it was my cant remb..them jotham arrived and made it more fun! so first game i was the seeker! haha how fun. and we literally played around the hotel but not the whole hotel...duh...only one level..which was big enuf..and i think this the first time we ever did smth that then it was like around 2am alr i think..ppl started to go to sleep...dehh so early..then we started sitting around...stoning.......yeap..and then i dunno whos idea it wass to play the 10 fingers lol.
but then i think jotham suddenly appeared and got everyone to play blind mice!!!!!! HAHA that was like the next most fun thing! esp whith isaac around!!! hoho! in the dark with isaac blindfolded roaring. it was scary sia. i mean it man haha the way he bull here and there and make those rarr noise LOL.
it was like 5am? i dunno..
but i know aft that i went carissa justines room play settlers actrually we migrated to my room..then we played till 730! hahah i think my church camp record cos i din sleep at all! the rest went to sleep aft that but i went to pack up then go down for breakfast and everyone was dead.....but i was stangely fine..not tired...
i think this camp was good. really... somemore we went sunway aft that!! heh!! with carandjustines family lol

10:33 PM

Monday, June 01, 2009


heyheyhey just got home. see i do update my blog! heh.
jus came home from the esplanade ac choir concert it was good but long..haven actually been inside the concert hall thingy before this is my first time. its quite small inside actually but the the sound travels really good and the lighting makes u wanna sleep.
met up with ash ching lauren and jia at marina square for dinner before actaully they wanted to buy a present for vicks. hmm.
then decided aft so long to eat at changing appetites or whatever the restaurant is called. its the cartoonish thing next to carlsjunior. food was good seriously and we got the double junmbo humongous icecream! only thing we hated was the paddle pop.extra.
then in the end we took so long to eat no they took so long to bring the food and bryant came late so we din get the flowers.
esplanade was crowded with ac ppl.i think.mostly. we bought the more ex tickets so had better seats..duh..
ash dephinitely met someone hahahah which sent him on a find wallie in the crowd success..unfortunately..haha. chance wastedd.
concert was long. the 3 on my left slept half the time. i quite enjoyed it tho..
the thing was over...we waited for vicks at the concorse. then i met up with barker guys. havoc started from then on....hahahahaha.
looks like alex party is gonna be worse and more funnn.!! scandalous stuff. hmpheshsfheeeshharrr................ . . . . . . . .

oh and today jus got my ipod touch! so exciting! gonna start fiddling with it.
tmr gonna be my muggin day.unfortunately..everyday cannot be play day.right?
ok. thats all. be well folks.

11:47 PM

Name: Gabriel
Age: 17

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