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~living in colour~


Sunday, May 31, 2009


hahhh today was fun day! ym at sentosa!!!!!! we actually booked the beach and today palawan beach was emptyyyy. noone else but ymers and yeas we filled the whole place! today my group alot overseas or dun wan to come so few of us went only tye fok khan and i brought dean lol. and max was there crosstrainer. alot of ppl went..this our first ever event at sentosa!!! so exciting. and alot of kiddies went! my group got grouped with gp and some sec 3 kiddies and wayne led us in the games.
we had icebreakers wacko then all the very retarded games the song yang wobble fats dunk and dunno what some dance then got dodge ball. still remb the last time my group came sentosa we dunker Everyone!!! hahahaha but today eh no chance hmph. but yeas everyone hadd funn today though the sun was out and burningg! arghhhhhh.
was playing frisbee and i suck. kept persuading everyone to play soccer but they were all frisbee crazy, had to go kick arnd with some sec 4s camp and then one other highlight was dean and his unavoidable targettt ahaha. played wet..ate paus. Heavenly!!!!!!! seriouslyyy. i wanted to dig the omega hole but the sand was so hard and um..very inappropriate cos ppl will think im some deprived thing. and no support. so next time...

2pm we all left for lunch went to eat before showering dean max tye fok lai hilary taohan yanming n cheryl ........and fok had to rush off for frisbee competition hahaha good bad..dunno. then the big joke came when not a joke actually jus that NO one likes max now for what he did in the toilet!! not funny at all. walked back to monorail to get back and we went past FOAM land. hilary went high, no helium involved. jus high. we met bubble man. we met some beggar by the road. i think his name was max. haha. went vivo. max was hungry hadnt eaten yet. went kopitiam his favourite. he and hilary ate. always gossiping. tsk. haha. bout stuff. and then dean had to go. lol. anticlimax. he still say wanna go shopppingggg. lol. was getting late. past 5pm. i decided to go home soon. lol it was a good start off the hols goingggg

8:50 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009


heyy!! jus reached home. went for theasthai just now at school.. was supposed to meet up for dinner at west mall then dunno what go holland v but everyone pang and ching sheng overslept he came late so i ended up not having dinner.. reached holland v at like 630 met vick and lauren and then they pang me cos they scared of meeting nat ghui. tey ran off with the condogs so yea i had no dinner. lol so i waited for nat then he went buy flowers O.0 hahaha..then we went sch.. then met up with ash vick lauren davelle nicole nash and ching..went in.. nat keep making me carry them.he
at first i thought the thing was gonna be boring but it turnedout great!!! good job guys!! we enjoyed ourselves haha. some of them were really funny esp andrew the wolf! haha bryant was funny oso he and his phobia thingy lol. turned out monolauges arent so boring la haha.
aft that went holland v again. i was starving!! we took so long to decide where to supper.. finally decided on swensens.. shared topless 5. had some other stuff. and still hungry haha so came home for more foods. mich and bryant cudnt join us but later bumped into bryant with his awesomely great news!!! hahh! ok it was a great nightt.. and ok i gonna sleep now.

11:57 PM



is another good dayy.=)

why.because its friday. and tmr is saturday.

not so..

Bad stuff:
had flu in the morning.was trying to survive in sch
rugby lost to rj in the finals...sigh...
failed chinese oral again..hmph.
pockey day gone wrong.

Good stuff:
nothing much. ok...yea my flu stopped in the!
and rugby lost but im not really sad or anything. just... try harder next year!!!! hahah
todays not much of a good day you cant have a good day everyday jus know how to bo liao arnd and sometimes thats what u have to do when u dunno what to right now..=p

::: was quite excited bout the match actually..reached old police academy sun was hot! met up with barkers and created recreating the memories arhaha. anyway i wasnt even watching the match most of the time. jus heard some ac boleh in the background and sing alongg. met walter there dunno why he come. so extra. oh right he came to see all his rj frens and support them. yea and i think the ruggers fought hard.congrats to them anyway! and we lost in the take the humble path and give rj a chance to smell glory...?
ok. so tmr night im going theasthai at production..haha kidding=P
gonna meet up with frens..old and new.and hope i have a fun weekend!
next week is the last week of sch how exciting!! no more sch! booo! gonna a hav a busy hol i better find timess to study for upcoming exams.dun wanna fail.again. cannot afford to be stupid.

okok everyone. peace..god bless. :)

1:05 AM

Sunday, May 10, 2009


sometimes i feel right..that theres nth to say.and now schools so hectic i cant find time to study man thats why todays a sunday and im actually studying noww for the first time. hmph. craziness i need a break..term exmas in july and eh i really dunno la i hope i dun retain this year! cannot. haven really been doing much muggin just maybe hw and stuff and the tests are killing.
anyway TODAYS MOTHERS DAY!!! :) two thumbs up to all moms out there!! and to my mom youve been a great mom all these years thanks so much! =)
we got her a wallet and had a nice meal today at ps cafe cartel..met vin there!! was wif brandon and aunty
then aft that i met up wif walter phoen fok max and suprisingly dean. lol. the joke face. ultimate. nochange. he was with his church ppl they went laning aft that as usual of him. we were suposed to celebrate max bday today. make up for last wed we failed to crash his house. =/
but anw he had to rush off somewhere.
that reminds me. today alot of people started talking bout church camp. eh 60 youths this year. record. haha. dunno whats gonna happen. gonna be really crazy i bet.
anw its in june when i shud be studying i think.of course. but. im going off for a week. to chill.haha. no pressure.
thank god theres no school tmr. boo to all the polyers. hahaha.
think im gonna watch the match tonight.arsenal no usual.theyve proved it.nth else to say.
ytd was my grandfathers bday..86 this year!! no not the canada one. the other one. lol. they came cousins too..not really close to this side. went well..talked bout how im gonna get my ipod touch. i think im gonna get it. soon....i hope. i think i have enuf money.

6:10 PM

Name: Gabriel
Age: 17

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