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~living in colour~


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


HAHAHA TOday such a great dayy! cos its my birthdayyy!!!!! oh man im getting older! not good....
i really thank everyone at school for all the stuff u gave me man especially the card! so touching!!! i mus take a pic and upload it nowws! =P

the inside and outside of the card..
oh and thanks for the flowers cake sweeets the pink hairband and the stupid girl BoXers!!!!!! that i will never wear man!!!!
haha but it was funny and thanks michelle for organising the whole thing together really appreciate it =) it was a good day at sch for me...and thanks all classmatess!
haha today i was meant to wear the pink hairband for the whole day! it was a dare but i wore for awhile only then during lectures i couldnt bear it anymore i took it off!!!!!
eh anywayy aft sch we cut cake then i had to see teacher! huijun got into trouble for poning class lol =P
then took bus to island creamary to meet up wif chins LONG time NO see!!!!!! and dean and aaron and mong supposed to come but they PANG!! no la haha they had to stay back in sch..
anw had a good chat and catch up wif chins he forgot to bring my game again haha but yea thanks for the icecream! hope ya having great fun at cj!! =D
then me rushed home got changed and went out wif my family to olive tree had a wonderfulll dinner im so full now man felt like i was gonna burst jus now =X
and oh man i jus realised my birthday is over its 1207 now! sad.. anyway i thank god for all that he has done in the past year and i pray this year will be filled with great and meaningful stuffs to come!

11:51 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009


HEY! home now from a good lunch with my frens haha. we decided to go out today since its my birthday soon=P dean ben n kev came my church today and ohoh today me and max led bible study and we like never even he had this brilliant idea that we shud play polar bear and um haha it wasn a fail we all had fun.
then aft that mong kev ben vin dean and i went to eat at ps at yoshinoya then dean wanted to go arcade so rich la he..he spent 10 bucks there..on us generous =D played the MaaRRio racing game...oh eh that reminds me of the mario in school!!!! So funnyy no one wont laugh at the marioO! aHAHAHA! ! eh then we met jon at ps then we all went to walk around in circles went to macs first but no space then went all the way to cathay for ben and jerries..had good time catching upp wif everyone and HEy thanks for all the presents guyys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) !
oh and u know last night ben and mong suddenly appeared at my house! jus like the walter party thing hahaha and they were disappinted cos they expected me to jump in shock or smth but i din la..haha! but it was a suprise! brought a cake and presents and some movies and we had dinner here pizza and pasta. then we watched i am legend in my room haha. then aft that ate the cake and showed them my new clavinova! hahh!
then when they left i stayed up till 12 for arsenal against chelsea fa semifinals...yea i know arsenal hope la but im still a true blue arsenal all the wayy! lol. .

4:40 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009


HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHaha for all i wish u a great week ahead. . this week my CAs wud begin :( time to start muggin...

eh as i was saying on fri i went for odessy at acjc new arts centre which appeared so grand from the outside but was disappointingly small inside as compared to barker one haha..but sound system and all was cool...i think no one understood the show hahaha but we had good laughs at the performers la...esp the big guy at the top of the structure..(what a pity he din fall off!)...yea michelle and bryant were in the show too! they were great haha and i think acsian theatre plays are proffesional but no one understand at all la some even sleeping haha =P
we gave them the flowers as requested aft the show haha and then went home so late liao..

then the next day i was late fot band prac! as usual...=P and i realised hillary pangsei me and i was all alone for keys!! prac was crazy i never did 2 keys at the same time before but thank god i was fine today!! the skit today was so cool esp eric!!! ahaha...

9:00 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009


HEY! HAPPY GOOD FRIDAYY to all!!!!! jesus died for you today!!! so that you can be FREE foreveRR !!!!!!! amen to that! let us not forget the meaning of today the most impt day in history.. +++

heres majesty. the words are really meaningful and true.

Here I am

humbled by Your Majesty,

Covered by Your grace so free.

Here I am

knowing I'm a sinful man,

Covered by the blood of the Lamb.

Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine,

Since You laid down Your life,

The greatest sacrifice.



Your grace has found me just as I am,

Empty handed but alive in Your hands.

okay later im going for odessy at was on since last night but my frens going tonight like going dinner at 6 then the thing starts at 8... arhh..tmr still got worship prac in the morning...eeh and im playing this sun!!!! excited! cos its easter!!!!! HAHAHhh.. =P

2:41 PM

Saturday, April 04, 2009


heyy today is walter's birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY to u man!!!!! haha we gave him a suprise party tonight at his house..really funny!! max and him were at some debate thing then max managed to convice him that he loved him so much as a fren that he wud want to celebrate his birthday wif his family!! ahahAHAA..while the rest of us were at his house gettin readyy wif all the balloons and food and stuff.. hehe... then when he reach home we all SUPRISE!!!!!!! and he literally jumped like got snake lihe that haha. theres a vid u can go watch..

then we had dinner at the bbq pit alot of chicken wings and satay...his parents decided to leave us to our fun and disappeared hehh.. me tye max walter vincent mel joshua fok chris joanna and hillary were there then aft that we dumped him into his own pool!!!! ahaaha i think those kiddies at the function room though we were a bunch of crazy walters (hehh!) and then aft that he lost his phone! heh..! haha then we went back up to his house and one by one we started breathing in helium and started talking like litte smurfs!! haha! gotta watch those vids!! esp hillary her voice alr so high it made her squeak like some minnie mouse haha. and max's one sounded like QUACK all the way hahaha. eh then we watched some tv man vs wild and some bollywood (hehh!) and then we cut the cake that vin brought and everyone was so fascinated by the lighter like never see anw it was a great night great suprise for the boy and oh one more comment::::: hos dad is really cool!!!! ahaha mus catch him in action ar..

walter wet from the pool hahaha. and look at his shocked face in this pic!

ohoh go fb watch all the vids of us sucking helium!!! :D

11:23 PM

Name: Gabriel
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