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~living in colour~


Friday, February 27, 2009


okayy last sat was FUSION and IT ROCKED!!!!! PLANETSHAKERS ROCKS and GOD ROCKS!!! YEAH! Reached acsi at like 3pm it was so empty.the autograph queue was empty! so i got a shirt and an album signed! Yepp the new album beautiful saviour!!=) And i gott a free shirt! not cos i came early but cos it cudnt fit some1!!! hahha.
YEah so i went for 3pm rally wif jon dean vin and a few others and we rushed to holland v ant 5 plus to meet mong and gang for dinner. LOL. and more politics followed...........
anw everyone was excited bout the night rally! yea and when we reached at like 6 plus the place was packedddddddd so we hid in some nice concert hall place. lol. and then 7pm BAMM!!
DOORS OPEN! AHHHAHAHA... everyone chiong in the audi whcih was really Full to the FUllest
and then there was some atmosphere intiative thingy and then BAMM it started!!!! ALL FOR LOVE!! followed by a few others by PLANETSHAKERS! worship was really great!!!! it was really as the guy says.the best party on the planet...and everyone had a great timee praisin and worshiping=)
anw it was a great night and im going fusion again next year!!!!

then on sun planetshakers came down to wesley YM!!!! WOOOOt! brought a few frens down too and i was another great time and a great msg:) haha. aft chuch met up wif my newly found class frens at vivO for a class outing! tho like what only 8 ppl turned up! haha. watched the crazy girl eat at bk then followed her to some place thats not so wow beside an escalator to play games n take haha. anw it was a fun time..the stupid ten finger game n then had icecream at ben n jerries..then went shopping for presents for our fellow classmates who have birthdays coming up or past.. lol. and lesson for the day is.. be prepared to burn off alot of money when going out wif michlle cos she eat like a pgi hahahaha...

and then this week wass my 1st week of sch proper and alot of crazy stuff happened at sch.. its finally the end of the grateful.and tired... not much to study yet tho..tho classes hav begun..anw i still do and wil always love acjc but i mus admit founders day was FAIL!!!!!!! FAILFAILFAILFAIL... it was boring and boring and made me think of all the great times at barker's founders day.... so i left and telepoted to barker at 1050 and so sad i go there they ended liao but luckily some ppl still arnd.. so we had a chat.. wif all my old frens!!! haha so nice to see them...and the whole group of acjc ppl invaded every staff room!!!! HAHAHA what a scene man! then we had lunch at waffle town..some of us.. and we had nothing to do cos ernest jus din wan to go home so we decided to be ramdom and go cj aft that to hopefuly bump into some old frens.. and we did! LOL. met yi jin daniel teo chins soon teck and some others and they dun seem really happy anw i wish them all the best for the next 2 years and hope theyll grow to love their sch!! haha!

9:18 PM

Friday, February 20, 2009


heyy! todays friday!!! hahaha and tmr's FUSION 09!!! yeahyeah cant wait!!! haha gonna go down at 3 to meet my grp and some other frens and then we kick offf!!!!! tell ya more tmr la.

oh and today had a great time wif my new class 1aa5!!!!! its a wonderful class (tho its arts. who cares. haha) only got 17 ppl.nice!! today gotto know my classmates better and oh michlles organising some outing tmr but i cant go! yea cos ill be at FUSION!! and altho i really wud love to join my class at vivo id chose FUSION still!!! hahahahaaa! yess sch kicks off for real on mon wif all the real lectures tutorials and studies! so lets jus hav a great nice weekend now. not forgeting planetshakers are coming wesley on sun too! yea! okay so now everyones all comfy where they are.. . . . .um. . .. .. .. . . . . yeshh

10:19 PM

Sunday, February 08, 2009


hey everone!!!! this is the next BIG event u musT go for!!!!! FUSION 09!!!! Panetshakers will b coming down here once again!!!! yep itll be at acsi on 21 feb of this month and the next day.22 feb will be wesley ym comb service and planetshakers are coming down to ym too!!!! so pls do comee!!! we're all looking 4ward to it alotts!! =)

5:30 PM

Saturday, February 07, 2009


one whole week has come to an end. wow!!! so fast man.really so fast. i have nothing to say but acjc jus makes me so happy!!! yeah thats true.. tho i know next week we'll be getting down to the more "boring" stuffs.. like lectures and all... and oh sometime next week wel'll be getting our classes i think... so anyway ac rox once again! and orientation 09 rocksrocksrocks!!!!!!!! the games i won forget man!!!!! the mud game esp cos we all played and rolled in the whole body all grey and then we go hug the clan ppl!!!! then the cleaning up so troublesome man we all bcome sandman and created sandpiles on the bleaches!!!
haha all the fun times wif my grp i won forget!!:) like dumping yiren and other stupid stuff!!! like the bomb!!!! atomic bomb!!!!!!!! runnnnnnnn!!! HAHAHA!!! elgini code :D
anw a big thanks to our ogls eunice n yiren for the're fun-ness!!!

yeah and on thurs we went out for ogouting to watch benjamin buttons at cine. and everywhere we go nat sure bump into a fren! power sia! HAHA =D
and the show at 520 i tot it wud be like at most 2 hours then it ended at what 8 plus!! aiyo!
then aft the show i haven eat dinner go rush off to newton to meet my chrch frens dav n debrah to "see" dave off! haha! n to giv him the then we talk for so long i forgot the time then i chiong home! reached at like 10 plus. lol!

haha then on fri no more orientation so sad:( cos it supp ended on thurs but fri had the campfire.but no! then whole day in sch was jus lectures n i went for like almost all tho i not taking most sciences. then at 3 me tim yvonne nat n wen hui went off without knowing where to go.. cos half our grp all dissapeared!!! sian.. duno where they go.. then we had a brilliant idea go boon lay!! ahaha.! duno why.. then go there we eat kopitaim! haha fortunately they're not the eat restaurant type like my ysg ppl! or else i die liao!! hahas! then we walk walk arnd for duno howw long go see some games then went back sch for indoor campfore thingy lol.

the j2s got some big prog for us and it was woooooooooooot all the way man!!!!!!!!!!!!
theres was dance n drama and of course the final episode of the orientation drama they put up since day 1! and alot of stupid games oso! then therewas the mass dance!!!! haha we danced for awhile b4 starting the rollercoaster thing and run arnd all over the place!! hahahaha! the whole place went wild and crazy!!!!!! followed by more cheers and dance!!!! and the night ended so well so happy and everyone went home ready for more acjc!!!!!

lol then today my frens came over to my place. kev mong n ben. for the 1st time ever wow.. n we watched some ocean 11 n played carrom n had dinner.. then when ben left.all the talking began!!!!! haha.. noe wat i mean.

11:05 PM

Monday, February 02, 2009


WOOOOOOOOT!!! ACJC all the way!!!!!!
Today. day 1. acjc orientation. it was beyond expectations and really fun to the maX! looking forward to tmr! haha the games cheers and even dance!! hahaha! bet everyone has no regrets going to ac. games were really fun and ogls were really good. so many new ppl and so many familiar faces! yess i love ac!
maybe i wud tell u more at the end of the week. hahA

9:57 PM

Sunday, February 01, 2009


jus reached home bout an hour plus ago.. so late.. thinking bout mon..schs gonna start!!! and then everymorning must wake up so early!!!!!!!!!!! siansianz.... luckily first few days orientation only.. still can slackoff..
tonight wuz my 2nd time at alex's place. no it was everyones 2nd time..haha. zl's guitar hero singing can b heard all over the house! haha our great bbq chef! had a great game of pool and carrom!!! haha i better dig out the old carrom board in my house fun!
then we stressed ourselves out in bridge n decided to give some1 a call! yea he knows now...
a last time wif my frens and on mon its a newnewnew start.. eeeeeeeesh!
ok lah its late now i better go slp. . . .

12:40 AM

Name: Gabriel
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