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~living in colour~


Saturday, November 24, 2007


Hey, i'll be going airport in about 8 hours time so i just want to say goodbye.......i'll be gone for like 12 days..... that's like how long...........

3:05 PM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


21st November Special Day

Today 21st November is a special day..... i know i nothing to do so i post this....... today is my blog's bday.......... !!!!!

9:28 PM


Only 3 more days!!! Sat i leaving for Europe...... 5 days Italy, 3 days Switzerland, 3 days France....... altogether supposed to be 12 days........!!!

1:01 PM

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Thurs night i went to Grand Copthorne Hotel for nice dinner with my family....... Then last night went to eat pizza hut with friends at plaza sing....... tmr my grandparents coming back singapore, so going airport in the afternoon........ Going europe in exactly 1 week!!!!!!

8:08 PM

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Mon i went for Sana course at Sengkang, learnt a lot about drugs like kit kat, ice, glue etc....... and learnt a lot abt prison life.... and caning in jail.... basicaly i went there to get another badge for np. After the lecture there was a test and now i have to get 10 ppl to do the sana questionare so that i can get the badge so if u r interested pls go to and my ID is 2007110912. My group won the tug-of-war.... confirm win...... cos we have the superweapon...... the 14 metre tall jjjjaaaggernaut!!! So even if we all never use strength still win....
okokookokokkkokk...... still have to go back to sch these days...... this fri is mr ng parade........

10:06 PM

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Today i finally changed phone..... after 21 months...... nokia 6120..... 3.5G phone!!

8:16 PM

Friday, November 09, 2007


Hey guys, i created the latest version of the true friend test...... so can go take .....

9:33 PM

Sunday, November 04, 2007



Hi.... I just wanted to post something although i got nothing to say.....And btw, this month is my blog's 1st anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heard that?!!! I started blogging on November 21st 2006 and now is 1 year later!!!!!!! Just wanted u to know............
The whole of this coming week i got sch.... sigh........ except thurs deepavali........ i still got so much tuition........this is meant to be hols!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But at least i'm looking forward to my trips in dec..... Europe and malaysia!!!!! And ym camp 07 and the return of my grandparents from canada!!!!!!! They'll be back so soon in about 2 weeks time and i can't wait!!
I hope this hols is not a boring one.... june hols was BEST.... !

10:25 PM

Friday, November 02, 2007


Wow.... 5 days have gone by so fast. OBS... i won't forget it...... In fact it felt great when i received that certificate... I'm back home for like 4 hours so far and I'm back to my comfort zone. 3 most important important things that cannot be taken for granted- food, bed and toilet at home. I went for so many camps before but I feel that this camp is the best so far and it was a great experience for me and my squadmates....

29 Oct- 2 Nov --- Outward Bound Singapore @ Pulau Ubin

DAY 1:

We embarked on OBS campsite 2 from Punggol jetty. All we did was get into groups ( livingstone!!!) and pitch tents.... anyway we grouped according to CCA so we already knew each other....

But we still did ice breakers becos it's part of the plan.... In the afternoon we were taught how to bellay during high rope elements. We didn't do any high ropes.... just learn only.......... pitching tents? no kick! we did it like so fast and started cooking dinner.... ya magee mee...... after dinner i dun remember doing much except walking around and a fire drill. The 1st night i slept well and it was the last night i slept well!


Exciting day!! We went out for a 6 hour land expedition around Pulau Ubin and I was the navigator.... they gave us a backpack instead of letting us use the one we brought. WAAAA....... heavy to the max..... we walked from checkpoint to checkpoint from under dense vegetation to under the hot blazing sun in the open fields...... We also hiked up the mountain of Pulau Ubin at the granite quarry..... yes! By then everyone was dying because of the burden on the back...... and the heat also........ and the best part is that we encountered wild boars in the forests!!!! How often do u meet wild boars when u go ubin? We were lucky not to get hurt but our instructor did get scratched..... we started running after some grey thing dashed out of the bushes.........

ENDURE!!!! We hiked till evening and only survived on dry rations for all lunches......... Suddenly the instructor say we were 15cm away from our next campsite...... we all looked around...... huhrh???? Then he said that " this is your campsite for tonight"..... !!! In the middle of nowhere! I never camped in the middle of forest before...... so this was my first time........ So we started pitching our tents in the forests.... and this area was near the sea...... but at night we needed to go toilet and cannot!!!! So we had to go bushes...... and we couldn't bathe that night.... somemore after the long and sweaty day......That night it RAINED and RAINED and the water filled our tents!!! How to sleep??


The BEST day for me!!!! SEA EXPEDITION!!!!! Kayaking!!!!! I thought it was going to be fun and it was...... but only for the first half......... We woke up at 6.30am (every morning) and faster unpitched our tents.... We quickly cleared the area together with a few other watches and started the activities. First we were taught the basics of kayaking...haha.... my whole squad all 2-3 star kayakers.... what to teach? I only 1 star but not bad liao...... After that they taught us capsise drill and TX rescue.... all these i know already lor....... but the best part was during our life vest test, we were all holding hands in a circle in the water when a sea snake suddenly emerged from the water in the middle of the circle!!!!!!!!! We all chiong for shore!!!! WAAA....... scary! Also got many jellyfish swimming around..... but that 1 less of a threat..... Within an hour we set off on the sea expedition on kayak! At first we travelled at the sea, the part between the top of pulau ubin and the bottom of malaysia....... then after travelling some distance, we turned into a channel where all the mangroves are..... like a river....... so fun..... to kayak in the mangroves and try our best not to crash into the mangroves...... everyone feared MANGROVES becos u wont want to crash into a bush or branch along the side...... we had our dry ration lunch in the kayaks and the journey along the mangroves was only the first part, although it was a long journey..... later on, we reached the river mouth and had the kayak at the sea, but this time at the bottom of ubin..... this part was the crazy part we had to kayak a straight route all the way from the east to the west of ubin. WAAA..... I paddle and paddle and paddle until cannot paddle...... I really felt like giving up after kayaking for 1000 km at sea..... but must ENDURE!!!!! So we all paddle and paddle and paddle and we even overtook the other group that set off much much earlier than us...... Soon, it was evening..... We kayaked past OBS campsite 2 and continued kayaking till we reached campsite 1.... At first glance. it looked like some resort! And it was the best campsite we had..... great facilities and we finally got to use a toilet!!! Sadly my tentmates and i lost our tent and we spent a long time looking for it but couldn't find it... everyone already pitched their tents except us!!!! so we all went for dinner first...... We had a suprise!!! We were given buffet dinner that night!!!!!! After all the dry rations stuff..... but this buffet only can have one helping..... so everyone loaded their plate until so filled with food..... rice, chicken, vegetables, soup and a drink....... that was like the best meal i ever had....... bcos everyone was hungry..... i wont forget that feeling........ At night we had a great bath after not bathing for more than a day..... That night everyone finally can go toilet and do business after so long.... everyone so happy.......... At night we finally found our tent mixed up with some other groups..... Everyday we change campsite so stuff get mixed up easily...... But i still couldn't sleep well that night becos under my tent got 1 huge rock!!!!!!!!!! How to sleep??

DAY 4:

This day was a simple day... in the morning we had PT by jogging around the campsite a few times and did 5 BX after that..... then our instructor elton sat us down to do reflections....... he keep telling us about teamwork...... Basically this course is to teach us about teamwork......... Breakfast in the morning was also great...... fried bee hoon, hot dog and milo....... Later on we had high rope elements. This campsite has great facilities for high rope elements but we only did some..... Everyone had to be a bellayer and climber...... both scary cos bellayer scared of saboing friend and climber scared of heights....... As for me when i climbed at first it was a bit scary but after awhile it was easy...... and i tried to climb steady steady........ My high rope element was a rock wall followed by stapler wall on top of that, followed by hanging tyres, followed by ropes.........When i finally reached the top i just let go and let my bellayer drop me down slowly.........After that activity we had dry rations lunch and went to unpitched tents...... Then we left the wonderful campsite and left for another land expedition......... we hiked for about 30 minutes and reached a checkpoint where we were supposed to play a game but suddenly CAT 1 occurred and we faster headed to the next campsite. CAT 1 means got lightning....... Our next campsite was the same as our first day's campsite.....

We pitched our tents on the hill when we reached there and started cooking....... my friend even cooked fried rice during field cooking with our rations and it tasted quite nice........ At night we did some cleaning up of the logistics room and rested for the rest of the time. I still couldn't sleep well because got so many mosquitos! But i told myself LAST NIGHT LAST NIGHT!!!


That's today!!!! We did nothing but area cleaning, just like all other camps....... Then just settled admin stuff and ibought the OBS t-shirt from the shop.......... Very soon it was all over......... quite fast....... this camp was worthwhile and memorable. I saw it as something that made me grow in my outdoorness and i definitely had fun!! Although it was at a few points of the camp, tough...... i still ENDURE and have fun...... my friends and i had a great experience with " back to the basics" and u cant experience this all the time.......

Now i'm back into civillisation!!!!! yay!!! and obs was a great time for me.........

Hols has started for a week already..... next week i still have to go back to sch for the whole week for extra amath class......but at least i can look forward to end of november!!!!!! I going Europe!!!!!!!!!


5:59 PM

Name: Gabriel
Age: 17

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Tiffany Teo
Wei Jie


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