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~living in colour~


Thursday, October 15, 2009


exhausting day! and tiring week! exams officialy ended on mon and have been happy since:) haha. ac games today was great.though we didnt champion anything we made in to semis for soccer and quarters for capt ball. class spirit was awesome and we worked hard to own many unownable classes haha! great job guys!
only disappointment was losing penalties that couldve brought us to finals for soccer.but making it so far was good enuf for us=)

what a long week.went out with classmates alot this week,great time to chillax aft promos and to watch movies.havent watched in ages until noww. managed to catch up with nic too and had a great time:)

and i realised twitter's quite cool.right. i dunno. i think it is. and i also realised i havent shopped in ages.didnt buy anything from ion ytd.had no money..but will need to return to the malls soon.soon
have i ever told you how much i hate bloggin.haha random thought. but youve got to update and thats how troublesome. useless. wonder who invented bloggingg.and blogs. and like whos so free and lifeless to read blogs..right. haha ok im kidding. eh not.

glad that most ppl have finished exams.we've finally moved the rock out of the way.


10:34 PM

Friday, October 09, 2009


EHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! HAD MY 'LAST' PAPER FOR PROMOS TODAY AND ITS ALL OVERRR NOW!!!! =DD chinese on mon doesn count hahaha! ALL the best to those still having papers next week ahahaha
FEELING FREE LIKE A BIRD NOW! Aft weeks of muggin..ok maybe that was exaggerated but then it felt LONGG but its o v e r now haha. looking forward to next week (except the 3h chinese paper) when my classmates all finish their exams FinallY.. and also AC games next week haha!
Havent gone out in soo long..dying. need to live again. time to chillax. before the stupid pw and chinese As kick in again.

9:04 PM

Sunday, September 13, 2009


pooooof!!!!XD haha okok. its been one longg week.and its back to sch tmrr. this sept hols has been a lazy one for me, abit of studying.trying to..but still in a holiday moodd. or the i dont want to study mood.
cant wait to go out and do stuff aft exams.ehh

nothing has happened this week.other than maybe one or two better days haha.
monday was boring, tues was better.went for inventio concert at sch. thats about the only time i went out went out this week cos the other times were for un-fun stuff if you know what i meann.hehh=P met up with me classmates on tues night met at holland V..usual hang out place..supp to have dinner but i found out they all ordered food at some crystal jade restaurant thingy and jews like me cant afford!haha ehh.ash,ching,jiahuan,lauren,peiyi,davele reached like an hour earlier than me they all hate me for always being late.oh wait the whole world hates me for always being late!ahh.
went to hawker centre with davele for dinner instead, ultimate jeaww. smelt like kuay teow aft that.haha.
took a bus to sch, we werent late for the drama thingy!what miracle haha! but nic was,,15 mins latee!hehh. play started,had to go out and find her..found her. then the door ladies didnt let us back in =\ argued with them for awhile..gave upp..trapped outside for some 25 mins.? lepaked around..frisbee dudes bob&brian arrived haha with the frisbeee. we had smth to do.haha. played for sweaty...walked into the theatre.finally. the drama was great! best one so far. drama peeps FTW!!:) liked the last item, it was hilarious.!esp ishan and his touching life story on how he got bullied in sch haha.naise;) all of them were funny.two thumbs upp!=) got to know judith bettter.haven really got to talk to her before this.
anw,, we went for supper aft that. swensens!!;) all shared two icecream bowls. i didnt have to pay much hehhe..rushed home aft was getting latee. and i finally found out how to go home from hollandv haha.what a joke!

oh.and recently, ive been watching this tv show..some hk drama. you may think why do these jokes watch hk drama. but i tell you. you never know till you watch it yourself!hehh. dont come to me cryingg! haha. what am i saying.

my mom returned home on thurs! i think i got the day right haha. was away for some church retreat thingy.4 days.. we all missed herr;) she missed us too haha. went airport that night and was treated to swensens!! again! haha. airport's a cool place haha.of course it is.

and guess what,,i just got my new phone todayy!! and i even got to keep my old phone! they didnt want it,,too disfigured haha. the new phone's cool. some xpressmusic thingy,, ah anw its free.AND i finally got my new unlimited sms plan!!!!!!!!dream come true haha jk. :)

guess im gonna be using less of the com from nowons..need to practice some mia-ing. hehh.=p

6:12 PM

Monday, August 31, 2009


hello hello hello im in pw now so siaan my whole group never come. what slackerrrs!! class gonna be over in 1 min hehee. sch was boring today half the class din come all pon. ahhhhhh.
okok byebye =P

4:26 PM

Saturday, August 29, 2009


hey! yes i know i havent blogged for over 3 months and..even though this blog has been dead, im life has moved on. hah!

alot has happened over the past few months, too much stuff to mention here. alot of sch and church activities that totally occupy my whole week, studies are not really my favourite now. but since exams are coming up soon i think, then i'll have to start studying soon..bleehhh:( not doing too well in sch..but lets not talk about this hehh.

since june alot has happened. exams have come and gone ive got my sucky results and exams are now coming again. my 3 beloved cousins car just and jo and their whole family have gone back to canada for good! ahh so sad! i wish them a happy life there and hope to see them soon!:) and thanks for all the great times during their 9 years here in singapore!

sch has beeen crazier than ever my class is always fun and never not fun. LOL. but i must say time has gone by so fast its already what.. sept soon! we have grown in our own individual ways..for the better.
and church life has never been better, had a great retreat in july it was great and memorified in me hehhe. did lots of crazy stuff in the day and at night. no details here. hahhahhaa. ok but we have grown alot closer as a group and we will continue to have fun in the many years to come=)
we also went for united concert, it was my first and it was great!! great experience! i'll go back again haha and i love expo it always gives me good memories.

recently ive also been able to meet up with many of my good old sec sch frens. havent been able to catch up with them for months but now we're doing fine haha.

recently met up with my np friends too for an outing, went paintball and just went to chillax for a day haha. always feels great meeting up with old frens now that everyone has kind of moved on in life.

today just had philos fellowship at wanli's house, my first time at her place it was such a cosy one haha. love the sofa! hehee. not all went, maybe only 20 but we did share lots of stuff with each other and got some inspiration from the yang sheng talking haha. had a great time=)

today is saturday. that means that tonight or rather tmr morning at 12.... man u VS arsenal!! hahha i promise i'll be back with good news! if not i must as well not blog forever and ever and ever amen. hahaha but seriously arsenal's doing well this start of the season so i have confidence in them! somehow this season ive been the most excited bout soccer than ever haha.i dunno whyy haha.

oh yeah and i keep saying i want to get a new phone but haven gone to do my phone shoppping yet so i have no idea what phone i want..but but but i need a new phone cos my old phone has a big crack on the screen and its like 2 years old! though i cant bear to leave this must move on!

//live life in all of its colour//live life to its fullest//god bless//

1:38 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


hey all. haha im finally home after a week of fun!!! haha. went for church camp!! and sunway.come feel the fun. haha jkjk. i tihnk this week made me studying at all and exams are just next week or so..coming la! heh..
the day before church camp went alex house for party..met up with all the old buddies and had lot of fun..always as crazy as ever..had guitar hero party..i dunno, i dun think im good at it but im ok i think of the night was havoc as usual i dunno what alex thought of everything..all the childishness but it was barker class wont be forgotton! haha.

this year camp was different i guess.. but everyyear's still fun.! haha. this year we went with cousins and some other church frens... carissa justine jo joel and josh. but i dun think they know each other..and josh kept threatening to slug the camp away and sleep in the room cos coming to camp was a him.. then first day we reached hotel very early cos parents had to help out or smth. but there was carisa and all for then they had this fren jane who literally tagged along them the whole i din say its a bad thing..hehh
camp was at malacca equatorial hotel this year.thurs to sun..same place as last year..but the number of campers doubled...700 plus i think..and 60 pluys youths went! which is like record.haha. youth time was okok la i think previous years was bettter maybe cos this year got too many ppl so hard to manage but me made many many new frens and last night of camp was fun!!! no everynight was fun atually! hahaha. food was same as any year so i quite slogged through the meals like to just eat and not be hungry.. always in a dilemma to sit with isaac joel they all or justine and gang.. lol.

still remember how i was so nice and went to follow isaac and joshua go walk around aimlessly go look for tennis court and stuff...and the stupid lift this year take so long to come all the time..took the stairs half the time all the way from 13 floor down..sian...
this year fun night theme was bollywood!!!!!! aHAHHAHA! from second day at camp we were already rehearsing for the dance!! hehh! it was strangely fun haha the jaiho and Banjavi dance!! haha and the girls had the money dance and the money tune got stuck in my head for the rest of the week lol.
second day night i played for worship at first it was stressful cos never played for adults before and so many ppl haha. but aft awhile it was ok la.. we were quite a last min band but it went well. =P
oh yea and that reminds me..carssa brought this settlers game which they into to us on the first day and then it was so addictive we played it everynight!!! haha.
okok so dunring camp it was just meals worship sermon..benny ho..discussion with our groups and maybe some group games here and there...same old games.....ok learnt a new game..murderer hhaha it was quite fail at first..
and let me jump to the last night! fun night dinner was differnet we had a sit down dinner and shadrach was at my table creating fun the whole time haha but mostly attacking only isaac. joke.
but wont forget la funny ttm.
then then fun night...this year was failure.. allt the items were failures seriously..ok maybe only roger's indian accent was the only thing that kept me i mean kept me from not leaving the ballroom faster...and i think the best item was still the youths.hahaha. seriously. our dance was like some super bollywood musical. and we all had fun.
ohohoh and when fun night ended all the fun began! as of all church camp traditions we mus stay up and play all out on the last night! wooooooo! but before fun night even ended half the ballroom was empty! haha and my table decided to leave and do our own stuff.. but we took awhile before starting cos we dun know what to do

so got joel and joshua and that marc to go 711 buy ball and lots of cards.. but somehow they came back with rugby ball.. lol and 2 packs of cards.
then some youths went nightmarket..i nearly wanted to go but din in the end...played noob fun rugby for awhile haha but with isaac on your team theres no fear hahahahaha. but the others where ruggers so we felt nooby and i left aft awhile. went to join the younger ones and play thieir stupid games. then decided it was massive cards time! haha. wanted to start playing bridge with the know how to play ppl but then i was called on to teach the dunno how to play ppl.hehh.. suprisingly i never play for so long but could roughly teach carissa justine they all and yea with the help of danette of

then went on to card the whole night until i cant remb whos idea it was to play hide and seek in the hotel!!!! haha maybe it was my cant remb..them jotham arrived and made it more fun! so first game i was the seeker! haha how fun. and we literally played around the hotel but not the whole hotel...duh...only one level..which was big enuf..and i think this the first time we ever did smth that then it was like around 2am alr i think..ppl started to go to sleep...dehh so early..then we started sitting around...stoning.......yeap..and then i dunno whos idea it wass to play the 10 fingers lol.
but then i think jotham suddenly appeared and got everyone to play blind mice!!!!!! HAHA that was like the next most fun thing! esp whith isaac around!!! hoho! in the dark with isaac blindfolded roaring. it was scary sia. i mean it man haha the way he bull here and there and make those rarr noise LOL.
it was like 5am? i dunno..
but i know aft that i went carissa justines room play settlers actrually we migrated to my room..then we played till 730! hahah i think my church camp record cos i din sleep at all! the rest went to sleep aft that but i went to pack up then go down for breakfast and everyone was dead.....but i was stangely fine..not tired...
i think this camp was good. really... somemore we went sunway aft that!! heh!! with carandjustines family lol

10:33 PM

Monday, June 01, 2009


heyheyhey just got home. see i do update my blog! heh.
jus came home from the esplanade ac choir concert it was good but long..haven actually been inside the concert hall thingy before this is my first time. its quite small inside actually but the the sound travels really good and the lighting makes u wanna sleep.
met up with ash ching lauren and jia at marina square for dinner before actaully they wanted to buy a present for vicks. hmm.
then decided aft so long to eat at changing appetites or whatever the restaurant is called. its the cartoonish thing next to carlsjunior. food was good seriously and we got the double junmbo humongous icecream! only thing we hated was the paddle pop.extra.
then in the end we took so long to eat no they took so long to bring the food and bryant came late so we din get the flowers.
esplanade was crowded with ac ppl.i think.mostly. we bought the more ex tickets so had better seats..duh..
ash dephinitely met someone hahahah which sent him on a find wallie in the crowd success..unfortunately..haha. chance wastedd.
concert was long. the 3 on my left slept half the time. i quite enjoyed it tho..
the thing was over...we waited for vicks at the concorse. then i met up with barker guys. havoc started from then on....hahahahaha.
looks like alex party is gonna be worse and more funnn.!! scandalous stuff. hmpheshsfheeeshharrr................ . . . . . . . .

oh and today jus got my ipod touch! so exciting! gonna start fiddling with it.
tmr gonna be my muggin day.unfortunately..everyday cannot be play day.right?
ok. thats all. be well folks.

11:47 PM

Sunday, May 31, 2009


hahhh today was fun day! ym at sentosa!!!!!! we actually booked the beach and today palawan beach was emptyyyy. noone else but ymers and yeas we filled the whole place! today my group alot overseas or dun wan to come so few of us went only tye fok khan and i brought dean lol. and max was there crosstrainer. alot of ppl went..this our first ever event at sentosa!!! so exciting. and alot of kiddies went! my group got grouped with gp and some sec 3 kiddies and wayne led us in the games.
we had icebreakers wacko then all the very retarded games the song yang wobble fats dunk and dunno what some dance then got dodge ball. still remb the last time my group came sentosa we dunker Everyone!!! hahahaha but today eh no chance hmph. but yeas everyone hadd funn today though the sun was out and burningg! arghhhhhh.
was playing frisbee and i suck. kept persuading everyone to play soccer but they were all frisbee crazy, had to go kick arnd with some sec 4s camp and then one other highlight was dean and his unavoidable targettt ahaha. played wet..ate paus. Heavenly!!!!!!! seriouslyyy. i wanted to dig the omega hole but the sand was so hard and um..very inappropriate cos ppl will think im some deprived thing. and no support. so next time...

2pm we all left for lunch went to eat before showering dean max tye fok lai hilary taohan yanming n cheryl ........and fok had to rush off for frisbee competition hahaha good bad..dunno. then the big joke came when not a joke actually jus that NO one likes max now for what he did in the toilet!! not funny at all. walked back to monorail to get back and we went past FOAM land. hilary went high, no helium involved. jus high. we met bubble man. we met some beggar by the road. i think his name was max. haha. went vivo. max was hungry hadnt eaten yet. went kopitiam his favourite. he and hilary ate. always gossiping. tsk. haha. bout stuff. and then dean had to go. lol. anticlimax. he still say wanna go shopppingggg. lol. was getting late. past 5pm. i decided to go home soon. lol it was a good start off the hols goingggg

8:50 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009


heyy!! jus reached home. went for theasthai just now at school.. was supposed to meet up for dinner at west mall then dunno what go holland v but everyone pang and ching sheng overslept he came late so i ended up not having dinner.. reached holland v at like 630 met vick and lauren and then they pang me cos they scared of meeting nat ghui. tey ran off with the condogs so yea i had no dinner. lol so i waited for nat then he went buy flowers O.0 hahaha..then we went sch.. then met up with ash vick lauren davelle nicole nash and ching..went in.. nat keep making me carry them.he
at first i thought the thing was gonna be boring but it turnedout great!!! good job guys!! we enjoyed ourselves haha. some of them were really funny esp andrew the wolf! haha bryant was funny oso he and his phobia thingy lol. turned out monolauges arent so boring la haha.
aft that went holland v again. i was starving!! we took so long to decide where to supper.. finally decided on swensens.. shared topless 5. had some other stuff. and still hungry haha so came home for more foods. mich and bryant cudnt join us but later bumped into bryant with his awesomely great news!!! hahh! ok it was a great nightt.. and ok i gonna sleep now.

11:57 PM



is another good dayy.=)

why.because its friday. and tmr is saturday.

not so..

Bad stuff:
had flu in the morning.was trying to survive in sch
rugby lost to rj in the finals...sigh...
failed chinese oral again..hmph.
pockey day gone wrong.

Good stuff:
nothing much. ok...yea my flu stopped in the!
and rugby lost but im not really sad or anything. just... try harder next year!!!! hahah
todays not much of a good day you cant have a good day everyday jus know how to bo liao arnd and sometimes thats what u have to do when u dunno what to right now..=p

::: was quite excited bout the match actually..reached old police academy sun was hot! met up with barkers and created recreating the memories arhaha. anyway i wasnt even watching the match most of the time. jus heard some ac boleh in the background and sing alongg. met walter there dunno why he come. so extra. oh right he came to see all his rj frens and support them. yea and i think the ruggers fought hard.congrats to them anyway! and we lost in the take the humble path and give rj a chance to smell glory...?
ok. so tmr night im going theasthai at production..haha kidding=P
gonna meet up with frens..old and new.and hope i have a fun weekend!
next week is the last week of sch how exciting!! no more sch! booo! gonna a hav a busy hol i better find timess to study for upcoming exams.dun wanna fail.again. cannot afford to be stupid.

okok everyone. peace..god bless. :)

1:05 AM

Sunday, May 10, 2009


sometimes i feel right..that theres nth to say.and now schools so hectic i cant find time to study man thats why todays a sunday and im actually studying noww for the first time. hmph. craziness i need a break..term exmas in july and eh i really dunno la i hope i dun retain this year! cannot. haven really been doing much muggin just maybe hw and stuff and the tests are killing.
anyway TODAYS MOTHERS DAY!!! :) two thumbs up to all moms out there!! and to my mom youve been a great mom all these years thanks so much! =)
we got her a wallet and had a nice meal today at ps cafe cartel..met vin there!! was wif brandon and aunty
then aft that i met up wif walter phoen fok max and suprisingly dean. lol. the joke face. ultimate. nochange. he was with his church ppl they went laning aft that as usual of him. we were suposed to celebrate max bday today. make up for last wed we failed to crash his house. =/
but anw he had to rush off somewhere.
that reminds me. today alot of people started talking bout church camp. eh 60 youths this year. record. haha. dunno whats gonna happen. gonna be really crazy i bet.
anw its in june when i shud be studying i think.of course. but. im going off for a week. to chill.haha. no pressure.
thank god theres no school tmr. boo to all the polyers. hahaha.
think im gonna watch the match tonight.arsenal no usual.theyve proved it.nth else to say.
ytd was my grandfathers bday..86 this year!! no not the canada one. the other one. lol. they came cousins too..not really close to this side. went well..talked bout how im gonna get my ipod touch. i think im gonna get it. soon....i hope. i think i have enuf money.

6:10 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


HAHAHA TOday such a great dayy! cos its my birthdayyy!!!!! oh man im getting older! not good....
i really thank everyone at school for all the stuff u gave me man especially the card! so touching!!! i mus take a pic and upload it nowws! =P

the inside and outside of the card..
oh and thanks for the flowers cake sweeets the pink hairband and the stupid girl BoXers!!!!!! that i will never wear man!!!!
haha but it was funny and thanks michelle for organising the whole thing together really appreciate it =) it was a good day at sch for me...and thanks all classmatess!
haha today i was meant to wear the pink hairband for the whole day! it was a dare but i wore for awhile only then during lectures i couldnt bear it anymore i took it off!!!!!
eh anywayy aft sch we cut cake then i had to see teacher! huijun got into trouble for poning class lol =P
then took bus to island creamary to meet up wif chins LONG time NO see!!!!!! and dean and aaron and mong supposed to come but they PANG!! no la haha they had to stay back in sch..
anw had a good chat and catch up wif chins he forgot to bring my game again haha but yea thanks for the icecream! hope ya having great fun at cj!! =D
then me rushed home got changed and went out wif my family to olive tree had a wonderfulll dinner im so full now man felt like i was gonna burst jus now =X
and oh man i jus realised my birthday is over its 1207 now! sad.. anyway i thank god for all that he has done in the past year and i pray this year will be filled with great and meaningful stuffs to come!

11:51 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009


HEY! home now from a good lunch with my frens haha. we decided to go out today since its my birthday soon=P dean ben n kev came my church today and ohoh today me and max led bible study and we like never even he had this brilliant idea that we shud play polar bear and um haha it wasn a fail we all had fun.
then aft that mong kev ben vin dean and i went to eat at ps at yoshinoya then dean wanted to go arcade so rich la he..he spent 10 bucks there..on us generous =D played the MaaRRio racing game...oh eh that reminds me of the mario in school!!!! So funnyy no one wont laugh at the marioO! aHAHAHA! ! eh then we met jon at ps then we all went to walk around in circles went to macs first but no space then went all the way to cathay for ben and jerries..had good time catching upp wif everyone and HEy thanks for all the presents guyys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) !
oh and u know last night ben and mong suddenly appeared at my house! jus like the walter party thing hahaha and they were disappinted cos they expected me to jump in shock or smth but i din la..haha! but it was a suprise! brought a cake and presents and some movies and we had dinner here pizza and pasta. then we watched i am legend in my room haha. then aft that ate the cake and showed them my new clavinova! hahh!
then when they left i stayed up till 12 for arsenal against chelsea fa semifinals...yea i know arsenal hope la but im still a true blue arsenal all the wayy! lol. .

4:40 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009


HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHaha for all i wish u a great week ahead. . this week my CAs wud begin :( time to start muggin...

eh as i was saying on fri i went for odessy at acjc new arts centre which appeared so grand from the outside but was disappointingly small inside as compared to barker one haha..but sound system and all was cool...i think no one understood the show hahaha but we had good laughs at the performers la...esp the big guy at the top of the structure..(what a pity he din fall off!)...yea michelle and bryant were in the show too! they were great haha and i think acsian theatre plays are proffesional but no one understand at all la some even sleeping haha =P
we gave them the flowers as requested aft the show haha and then went home so late liao..

then the next day i was late fot band prac! as usual...=P and i realised hillary pangsei me and i was all alone for keys!! prac was crazy i never did 2 keys at the same time before but thank god i was fine today!! the skit today was so cool esp eric!!! ahaha...

9:00 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009


HEY! HAPPY GOOD FRIDAYY to all!!!!! jesus died for you today!!! so that you can be FREE foreveRR !!!!!!! amen to that! let us not forget the meaning of today the most impt day in history.. +++

heres majesty. the words are really meaningful and true.

Here I am

humbled by Your Majesty,

Covered by Your grace so free.

Here I am

knowing I'm a sinful man,

Covered by the blood of the Lamb.

Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine,

Since You laid down Your life,

The greatest sacrifice.



Your grace has found me just as I am,

Empty handed but alive in Your hands.

okay later im going for odessy at was on since last night but my frens going tonight like going dinner at 6 then the thing starts at 8... arhh..tmr still got worship prac in the morning...eeh and im playing this sun!!!! excited! cos its easter!!!!! HAHAHhh.. =P

2:41 PM

Saturday, April 04, 2009


heyy today is walter's birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY to u man!!!!! haha we gave him a suprise party tonight at his house..really funny!! max and him were at some debate thing then max managed to convice him that he loved him so much as a fren that he wud want to celebrate his birthday wif his family!! ahahAHAA..while the rest of us were at his house gettin readyy wif all the balloons and food and stuff.. hehe... then when he reach home we all SUPRISE!!!!!!! and he literally jumped like got snake lihe that haha. theres a vid u can go watch..

then we had dinner at the bbq pit alot of chicken wings and satay...his parents decided to leave us to our fun and disappeared hehh.. me tye max walter vincent mel joshua fok chris joanna and hillary were there then aft that we dumped him into his own pool!!!! ahaaha i think those kiddies at the function room though we were a bunch of crazy walters (hehh!) and then aft that he lost his phone! heh..! haha then we went back up to his house and one by one we started breathing in helium and started talking like litte smurfs!! haha! gotta watch those vids!! esp hillary her voice alr so high it made her squeak like some minnie mouse haha. and max's one sounded like QUACK all the way hahaha. eh then we watched some tv man vs wild and some bollywood (hehh!) and then we cut the cake that vin brought and everyone was so fascinated by the lighter like never see anw it was a great night great suprise for the boy and oh one more comment::::: hos dad is really cool!!!! ahaha mus catch him in action ar..

walter wet from the pool hahaha. and look at his shocked face in this pic!

ohoh go fb watch all the vids of us sucking helium!!! :D

11:23 PM

Sunday, March 29, 2009


today was a good day. and tmr theres sch again so fast. =( ok la but sch isnt that badd actually.. jus that its to stay back till very late for some swimming meets thing tmr..hope we can keep ourselves entertained hehh. today no youth service so my grp we all met up at main church for pnp then went kopitiam the one opp smu for lunch..then went to settlers for like 2 hours plus..played some new games but i found the idiot game idioticaly boringg! and i was the idiot 3 times in a row!!!!! what does that say bout me mann...hahaha. then we played this really funn game sabotuer..hahaha i mus go back there and play it again one day..! we jus anyhow wack one dun care bout if we the sabotuer anot hahaha..then played the classic mus play sitting ducks! walter joined us late cos he had to babysit his kids.heh...yea but he joined the was a great time..a small grp of gp ppl were there next to our table but i think we generated more noise!
then the girls went home the guys went to play lan and i went wif vin to get my keyboard at ps..or rather clavinova la....cos ive been wanting to get one and i finally got it cool got so many sounds and sale now at yamaha bought the 6k one at 4k plus! yea it will be delivered here on tues!!! heheheh..

8:48 PM

Saturday, March 28, 2009


hey today jus had a day of muggin morning to evening!!! haha to catch up for the week..was really busy this week with stuffs reach home so late everyday no time to do tired all the time... . . . . .need to hibernate and regenerate......ytd was tiring man. had sch till 3 plus then waited for fok and mong to end sch at 4 plus..was in canteen wif a few classmates killing time.. then met mong fok and jit! haha. then we went off to fok's hous for philo fellowship... we were too early..had to help elliot wif the drinks..we struggled frm ntuc all the way to fok's house 1 km into the estate!!!!! i was sweating like dogg carrying 8 1.5 litre bottles!!!! crazy..

reached his house right at the corner.. i jus dumped everything on the table and sat down and stoned.. then got up walked arnd the grass patch into the house and cooled down...heh.
so early no one come we jus prepared the drinks....then soon hillary joanna they all came...i was hungry wanted to start on the food..BUT..we all had to wait for the vip to say GRACE for us so that we can eat in peace..hahahaha!!!! ahaha.anyway.. i kinda clarified it all wif him and made peace... heh. yea. the night was a really funny one la all the 17 year olds had a talk at the front while the oldies were in the house some playing wii the rest duno doing what..
fok was like all over the place! haha!
as usual walter and hillary facilitated the talk and then it all satrted arghhh!!!! info gathering=P
met my piano buddy there he was so piano crazy he got janie to play piano wif him there while wii was blasting! i tried the stupid wii telephone game and up to now i hav no idea at all what its about i FaiL at it!! pizza and subway for dinner..icecream and cake for supper...talktalktalk playplay..the end. went home so late cos on the way out 2 ppl pangsei us!!!!!! will never forget how we got abondoned.... okay..tmr theres fellowship sun!!!! hahah! we going settlers at my request =P and hope everyone will hav fun la..

8:37 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


wah im like smack in the middle of my happy hols now..... musnt neglect studies!!!=\
yesterday was the most fun thing that happened since sun.. i stayed over at saat's house for the 3rd time!!!!!! i know mong has stayedover like what 10 times? yea but everytime i go there very happee! and each time is a diff storee! haha.
so ytd i reached clementi bus interchange at like 4pm 1 hour late i told them to go ahead first cos they were filmimg smth for sch and i go there like so extra cos i oso not
then i walk walk all the way in in saat's estate and met up wif the res...kev mong ben saat and their mpac ppl and uriah n noelle oso along the road...i really wanted to act then cos it looked cool but like so extra i jus tagg along and then i got bored so the bored ppl we all go do some pull ups and i duno why i so miracle i could do one arm pull up and pinkie pullups!!!!! i have a video to testify to that!!!!!! then i went back to saat's summer palace first cos too bored liao... played some piano while waiting for the rest...... aft that all the mpac ppl left and we....mong kev ben n saat.....cud catch up over dinner....the wonderful nasi lemak like never before!!! jus too good! and then had a adviceful chat wif saat's parents and then all eyes on ben when the topic shifted!!! HAHAHAHA.. us so funny lar..

then aft that we all when to com room to use com...for like a long while before we did smth not usual for a stayover.. mong had a brilliant plan to do biblestudy! it went really well and he was jua really great la and prepared!=D
then aft that it was like 10 plus i think and we all went shower first then headed to cinema to jus talk for the rest of the night!!!! and i managed to get hold of ben's fone and send many confessions he ought to have done long time ago to many ppl!! hahaHAHAHAA it was jus too funny!!!!!!!!!!! then spent rest of the morning talking bout interesting stuff=p about ppl and all......and listen to music.......eating mnms non stop!!!!! without water somemore...............untill like 6 plus i think...then we all went back to the room to sleep......woke up at 11!!!! so late!! everyone had alr left the house and returned!!!! kev had to go off for canoeing saat had tuition and mong and i supp to bake cookies but i ended up playing kanes wrath hahaha so long nvr play mann:) had breakfast and lunch whithin an hour! food was greatt....hope that well hav the jelly cheese cake frm the last stayover sometime soon=)
then ben left for tuition at arnd 1 i think and this was when it was the HIGHLIGHTS of the whole thing wasss!!! he forgot the sign out of msn!!! HOHNO!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!! and u can guess what happened next....knowing us! it was a literally ROFL time and when we all left saat's house he so panic aft someone smsed him really went into a panicccccc c c c c c c!
haha for the details go mong's blog man i jus cant bear to say it!!!!!!! lol lol! :D:D!!hahaha!
anyway this stayover was like we didnt play stupid old maid games or watch movie but it was the funnestestestest mann!!! =D
and then at night had nice dinner at sembshoppingcente wif my bro n parents tho the aircon of the whole place was freeeeezingg..crazy aircon..
so tmr ill be staying at home..dun feel like going out for one day..need to catch up on studies man got much hw not done yet!! haha and suprisingly jus now i come home i went to study for 2 hours bio and gp hahah.. ok mann its now wednesday jus realised! night!

some random stuff:
1. alwaays remember to sign out of msn if youre using it at your fren's hous or funny things will happen!
2. never eat a whole bag of mnms withour water!! i was literally searching the house for food and all i found was mnms but no whole digestive system was bursting with chocolate!!! arghhhhhh
3. never lend your fren your fone if hes a sneakysneaky one haha=p

12:15 AM

Sunday, March 15, 2009


finally uploaded the pics..

ahh.... im finally siting down comfortably....on my chair.. so tired todays a long but funn day! morning i woke up at 6 plus overslept!!!! then i rushed down to church for band prac cos today i playing for worship and yea i was 1st keys again!! now abit more comfortable but not there yet still mus improve haha..
so yea aft church i hanged arnd for awhile played piano n had a chat wif mong then dunno why everyone go tease me..sigh...and i almost let the cat out of da bag for walter so sorry!!!=p
but i faster zao and went to meet my classmates at vivo for our second so called outing haha. this time me ashleigh ching sheng michelle nat nash davelle christine lauren and viki went and lols it was funn and i felt it wuz funner than the last time hahaha=) took like what 200 photos?? haha duno la.. so first we wen meet at bk AGAIN and oh i met nash along the way up and then we went white dog cafe for lunch haha dunno why its got such a weird name tho..haha yea we hadd a great good lunch:) oh and there was like some tension along the way....but i shall not elaborate further=p
anw aft that we went on a long long shopping spree and took so many crazily photos..we went pull n bear topman addidas river island forever 21 haha and other shoppess hahaha..the girls bought alot of stuffs but we poor guys can only sightsee hahaha........then michelle trreated us to ben n jerries once again!! lols..yea was a great time and tmr is another great day cos i going over to saat's house once again!!! my third timee its always so funn man!!

10:55 PM

Sunday, March 08, 2009


heyo! tmr my grandparents going back to vancouver so sad i cant go airport see them off i got sch!!! eee.. anw thell be back by nov.and if u hav no idea wad im talking bout yea they emegrated there yearssss ago and they only come singapore like frm nov to now.. okay ill miss them alotss. k nite! =)

10:24 PM


heyy!! im home finally.......slept on the bus as usual.. ok lemme giv u an update on whats going on..=)
this week was jus another CraZy week with alott of crazy stuff going on at sch and this week i tried to study properly u know..start proper muggin cos everyone arnd me all so mugger mus catch up! yea and ytd i went on a shopping spree so happy now!!!!
and today jon vin dean ben n mong went for dean's treat outing part 1 cos he suddenly so rich so mus share some wealth wif his frens haha. aft church vin dean and i went arcade while waiting for rest and dean (with his new specs! hahahahaha!) went searching for atm to suck out more money! haha! its been so long since i been to arcade..felt like a complete noob hahah=p

then soon jon came! haha really looked forward to this so can catch up wif everyone on their life stories hahah!:) then dean treated us to pastamaniia!! so good of him huh haha.
then we had a great fun time at sad kev couldnt join us.. played sitting trap and quest i think..and it was so fun man plus i kept odering food like a fat guy..paiseh to the bill=p anw i mus really thank dean la so generous. i think he spent more than 200 bucks today!!

oh thats me trying to drink frm the end of the cup!!=p

and this one everone looks emo other than the happy guy at the back haha!:)

7:24 PM

Friday, March 06, 2009


hey todays my bro's birthay!!! Happy Birthday Amos!!!! YEAh 13 years old so old...which makes me ancient=p we jus came back frm the wine company along bukit timah haha had an awesome dinner fine dining it was great!! already held a party last week so tonight was jus another great dinner for his birthday!!:)

11:13 PM

Sunday, March 01, 2009


HEY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACS!!!!!!! TODAY IS 123!!! yup so OLD!!! And im pround to be a part of it!!!!!!!! This year making it my 11th year at AC makes it so cool and my fav line ACS FOREVER!!!!!!!! YEAH:):):)

5:15 PM

Friday, February 27, 2009


okayy last sat was FUSION and IT ROCKED!!!!! PLANETSHAKERS ROCKS and GOD ROCKS!!! YEAH! Reached acsi at like 3pm it was so empty.the autograph queue was empty! so i got a shirt and an album signed! Yepp the new album beautiful saviour!!=) And i gott a free shirt! not cos i came early but cos it cudnt fit some1!!! hahha.
YEah so i went for 3pm rally wif jon dean vin and a few others and we rushed to holland v ant 5 plus to meet mong and gang for dinner. LOL. and more politics followed...........
anw everyone was excited bout the night rally! yea and when we reached at like 6 plus the place was packedddddddd so we hid in some nice concert hall place. lol. and then 7pm BAMM!!
DOORS OPEN! AHHHAHAHA... everyone chiong in the audi whcih was really Full to the FUllest
and then there was some atmosphere intiative thingy and then BAMM it started!!!! ALL FOR LOVE!! followed by a few others by PLANETSHAKERS! worship was really great!!!! it was really as the guy says.the best party on the planet...and everyone had a great timee praisin and worshiping=)
anw it was a great night and im going fusion again next year!!!!

then on sun planetshakers came down to wesley YM!!!! WOOOOt! brought a few frens down too and i was another great time and a great msg:) haha. aft chuch met up wif my newly found class frens at vivO for a class outing! tho like what only 8 ppl turned up! haha. watched the crazy girl eat at bk then followed her to some place thats not so wow beside an escalator to play games n take haha. anw it was a fun time..the stupid ten finger game n then had icecream at ben n jerries..then went shopping for presents for our fellow classmates who have birthdays coming up or past.. lol. and lesson for the day is.. be prepared to burn off alot of money when going out wif michlle cos she eat like a pgi hahahaha...

and then this week wass my 1st week of sch proper and alot of crazy stuff happened at sch.. its finally the end of the grateful.and tired... not much to study yet tho..tho classes hav begun..anw i still do and wil always love acjc but i mus admit founders day was FAIL!!!!!!! FAILFAILFAILFAIL... it was boring and boring and made me think of all the great times at barker's founders day.... so i left and telepoted to barker at 1050 and so sad i go there they ended liao but luckily some ppl still arnd.. so we had a chat.. wif all my old frens!!! haha so nice to see them...and the whole group of acjc ppl invaded every staff room!!!! HAHAHA what a scene man! then we had lunch at waffle town..some of us.. and we had nothing to do cos ernest jus din wan to go home so we decided to be ramdom and go cj aft that to hopefuly bump into some old frens.. and we did! LOL. met yi jin daniel teo chins soon teck and some others and they dun seem really happy anw i wish them all the best for the next 2 years and hope theyll grow to love their sch!! haha!

9:18 PM

Name: Gabriel
Age: 17

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